Improving the voter
experience through the power of design
Election dates, voter registration deadlines, polling places and other election information can be overwhelming to even the most politically informed citizens in the United States. Local Board of Elections are often responsible for providing this information, but with no consistent or effective means of producing and distributing these important resources, voter turnout in local and off-year elections is alarmingly low. ReElected is an exploration as to how Board of Elections could be better utilized as a means of reaching more citizens and increasing voter turnout through designed solutions. By creating a visual language for usage across a variety of mediums, this project improves accessibility and legibility of voter information and aims to give Board of Elections the design power they need to provide citizens access to the information they need.


Iconography Overview

Illustration Icons

A cohesive set of icons and small illustrations is incorporated into the identity system to allow for even more flexibility and a broader range of expression when creating election resources. This also helps communicate with individuals who may have lower literacy levels or are non-english speaking citizens.

Website Homepage on Desktop
The design system utilizes blocks to break up information. When speaking with Board of Election Officials, I learned that much of the web development and design work was in the hands of non-designers. A system constructed of flexible blocks can house content in a variety of different sizes and formats. This creates a much easier to use and more efficient system to use across digital and print products, giving more power to the Board of Elections to reach its constituents.

Grid Design with Block System

Desktop Homepage Navigation to the About Us Page

Election Schedule Filter UI

Desktop Screens Overview

Election Schedule and Detail Page

Mobile Website Voter Registration Onboarding

Mobile Voter Registration Onboarding UI
As well as improving the Board of Election's digital presence, print campaigns and formats are also created as part of Re-Elected. The Voter Guide and Voter Information Card are annually sent out to every voter with a marked address in the county's voter registration database. This allows every registered citizen a passive means of receiving accurate and up to date voter information. Various print applications and print formats can also use the visual language established to create clear, consistent, and recognizable messaging.

Voter Guide Cover Detail

Voter Guide Spreads

Guidebook Grid Overview

Guidebook Grid

Voter Information Card

Voter Information Card Pile

Various Print Assets

Billboard Mock Up

Upcoming Elections Billboard

Register to Vote Billboard

Vote Billboard

Vote Billboard Large

Vote Stickers